2013학년도 대수능 변형문제 2개 투척!
45번 지문 변형 - [빈칸 추론]
1. "Why, in country after country that mandated seat belts, was it impossible to see the promised reduction in road accident facilities?" John Adams, professor of geography at University College London, wrote in one of his many essays on risk. "It appears that measures that protect drivers from the consequences of bad driving encourage bad driving. The principal effect of seat belt legislation has been a shift in the burden of risk from those already best protected in cars, to the most vulnerable, pedestrians and cyclists, outside cars." Adams started to group these counterintuitive findings under the concept of risk compensation, the idea that humans . As safety features are added to vehicles and roads, drivers feel less vulnerable and tend take more chances. The phenomenon can be observed in all aspects of our daily lives. Children who wear protective gear during their games have a tendency to take more physical risks. Hikers take more risks when they think a rescuer can access them easily.
① usually prepare for unknown danger
② can recognize critical risk in advance
③ have an inborn tolerance for risk
④ are incited to take more risk by danger
⑤ mainly care risk after it happened
28번 지문 변형 - [제목]
2. To describe what happens to common resources as a result of human greed, Garrett Hardin used the example of an area of pasture on which all the cattle-owners are permitted to graze their animals free of charge. Each cattle-owner seeks to maximize his gain and in doing so considers the relative advantage and disadvantage of adding one more animal to the herd. The advantage is that the cattle-owner receives the whole of the profit from the sale of the additional animal. The disadvantage is that the extra grazing contributes to the deterioration of the pasture. However, the disadvantage is shared among all the cattle-owners using the pasture, so the individual owner suffers only a fraction of the disadvantage. Consequently, the advantage is bound to exceed the disadvantage. Thus, it is inevitable that more and more animals will be brought onto the pasture until overgrazing totally destroys the pasture.
① Everlasting Confrontation Between Greed and Conscience
② Conscience Is Being Threatened By Excessive loss
③ Relativity Of Advantage And Disadvantage
④ Decreased Benefit Of Selling Additional Animal
⑤ The Tragedy Of Common Resource: Shared Disadvantage
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자라. 3
3시 전에 자야지
이건 팩트인듯요
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인생이힘들다..... 나데나데나데나데나데나데해줄미소녀한테 어리광 부리고 싶다
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1.구문이햇갈려서 나중에,,,
2번에 정답 ㅋㅋ 펑 해주세요
이 두 문제는 그냥 투척 문제가 아니라..........
리딩영어사 2014학년도 EBS 변형문제집의 샘플문제입니다 ㅎ
리딩영어사에서 작년에는 인강 강사 심우철과 닥듄공 외국어여역을 냈었죠 아마
변형문제집들 중에서 꽤나 호평을 받았던 것으로 기억합니다.
1번에 1번
땡... ㅠㅠ
조만간 해설 업로드 하겠습니다 ^^;
4번 danger 때문에 안되는건가.. 아 4번햇다가 틀렷네 ㅋㅋㅋ 멘붕 danger 만 바뀌면 될것같기도한데 아닌감..? ㅋㅋ